
Total Members: 1,651

Dave Mosher - Owner

My Vip Contacts Version 2.0





My Vip Contacts: It's an Autoresponder! It's a Safelist! It's a Capture-Page Builder! It's an Ad-Tracker/Rotator! It's a Downline Builder! Tons of Internet Marketing Tools for only $10.97/mo!

MyVIPContacts' Autoresponder

Uses 100% Confirmed Opt-In - NO IMPORTS!

If you have reputable leads coming in from sources such as MyLeadGenSecret, LeadFlow247, or other reputable resources, but you don't have a way to mail your leads, you need ListGeniePro in order to import leads!

Membership: Monthly Pro Yearly Pro
Cost $10.97/mo $97/yr
Max Daily Imports (NO IMPORTS ALLOWED) 0 0
Send in HTML/Text yes yes
Send Daily Broadcast yes yes
Schedule Mailngs yes yes
100+ Personalization Tags yes yes
Copy Follow-Up Series To Another Member yes yes
Bounce Logs yes yes
Opened Email Stats yes yes
Click Stats yes yes
Unsubscribe Logs yes yes
Add Custom Questions yes yes
Add Demographic Questions yes yes
CAN-SPAM Compliant yes yes
100% Confirmed Opt-In yes yes
Referral Commissions 40% 40%


MyVIPContacts Is Also A Safelist!

Not only can you use MyVIPContacts to get your promotion out to your email lists, but you can also submit your ads to be shown in the member's area to ALL of MyVIPContacts' Members!!!  You'll be able to post Credit Mails, Solo Ads, Banner Ads, Button Ads, Text Links, and Sponsored Login Ads. Free Members can send Credit Mails every 7 days, while Upgraded Members can send Credit Mails every 3 days.

MyVIPContacts Is An Ad-Tracker and Rotator!

Upgraded members will have access to our traditional Ad-Tracker/Rotator, along with our Autoresponder Trackers to help you track your results! See how many people are clicking your online ads, and see how many people are opening your emails, how many are clicking on the links in your emails, etc.

MyVIPContacts Is A Splash-Page Builder!

Pro Members can create up to 30 Splash-Pages. Ad your image, like a 600x300 banner ad, along with your details, and start advertising your links. Clean, simple, and too the point Splash-Pages!

MyVIPContacts Is A Capture-Page/Landing Page Builder!

We've contracted with the original programmer of MotionLeads to fully incorporate his MotionLeads Capture-Page/Landing Page Builder into MyVIPContacts with UNLIMITED Capture-Pages/Landing Pages! This is an AMAZING program that will having you building kick-ass Capture-Pages/Landing Pages within MINUTES! Add your Autoresponder Form, your links, images, etc. We've even added OVER 2,000 images so you have tons of choices for backgrounds, or even call-to-action images to your pages. You'll immediately fall in love with this feature!

MyVIPContacts Is A Downline/Affiliate Builder!

We've set up an Affiliate Builder where you can save your personal referral links for Lead Resources, Ad-Blasters, Safelists and Super Solos. Just update with your UserID or Username, and when your referrals join by clicking your link, you become their referrer!

MyVIPContacts Makes You An INSTANT List Authority

With License To Give Away Weekly Gold Upgrade Promo Codes!

Many Internet Marketers tend to use the Autoresponder Follow-ups provided by their main Affiliate Program. Sadly, this tends to be an average of 10 to 15 email follow-ups, with nothing more to provide to their subcribers. If you're not giving your subscribers something of value on a regular basis, you will start to see subscribers dropping off.

We've set up a 1-Year Gold Safelist Upgrade at 104 Safelists, along with creating 104 follow-up emails so you can send your subscribers a brand new 1-Year Gold Safelist Upgrade once a week for TWO WHOLE YEARS! All you have to do is edit these follow-up emails with YOUR Referral Link. Set your autoresponder to send out 1 every 7 days, and sprinkle in some follow-up emails about your current programs in between, like every 3 days. Not to mention being able to send out a Broadcast Email to your subscribers as needed.

Now you are giving your subscribers massive value every single week for TWO WHOLE YEARS! That makes YOU and INSTANT List Authority!

We're Just Getting Started! MORE Benefits To Come!

We've got several other benefits that we will be adding along the way to help you build your online business! We've got a handful of things such as Funnel Systems, Social Medial Submitters, Video Programs, and more where we've purchased Unlimited Licenses to pass along to our members at no additional charge!

After we hit 500 Upgraded Members, we have another very special project one of our programmers will be working on to be





In Just A Few Moments You'll Gain Access To Our Growing List Of Responsive Members

Please Use Gmail Only

To Register Your Member Account



Site Statement and Disclosure: This Site is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program.
We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to
have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site
to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program.

Copyright MyVIPContacts.com 2020 | Powered by Dave Mosher Internet Marketing